AHS is following state and county guidelines to distribute the vaccine equitably and as soon as possible based on the supply it receives.
You should only proceed if you received a text directly from Asian Health Services. Please schedule your COVID vaccine appointment below.
Please do not share the appointment link with anyone else. We will contact each individual as they become eligible following Alameda county’s guidelines. If you share the link, your appointment will be canceled and you will not be able to get vaccinated during your scheduled appointment.
After you get your COVID-19 shot, your health clinic will watch you for 15 minutes to make sure you do not have an allergic reaction. Then, your health clinic will tell you when to come back for your second shot. Immunity will BEGIN at least 1-2 weeks after the second shot.
**Eligibility criteria for receiving the COVID vaccine are based on County Health Department guidelines. Please note that demand for vaccines is high but supplies are limited right now. This means we have a limited number of appointments available. Thank you for your patience.**