A legacy gift, through a will or estate plan, to Asian Health Services ensures the health of future generations of families in need. Donors are often motivated to pledge a bequest because they desire to:

  • Save lives and impact the health of our community for generations to come
  • Give back to the larger community as a past beneficiary of AHS’ services
  • Express their deep respect for AHS’ mission and accomplishments and extend the longevity of the organization

Legacy giving benefits

Your Legacy or Planned Gift to Asian Health Services, through a will or estate plan, allows you to:

Plan for the financial needs of a spouse or loved one

Plan for the financial needs of a spouse or loved one

Reduce your income tax and/or avoid capital gains tax

Reduce your income tax and/or avoid capital gains tax

Provide inheritance for your heirs at a reduced tax cost

Provide inheritance for your heirs at a reduced tax cost

Diversify your investment portfolio

Diversify your investment portfolio

*We recommend you seek the advice of a qualified estate planning professional to best achieve your charitable giving goals as well as to fully realize potential tax benefits

Legacy gift Options

Your Legacy Gift to Asian Health Services, through a will or estate plan, ensures our patients and communities thrive and achieve their highest health potential for generations to come.

You may also choose to make a legacy gift in remembrance of a loved one, or in honor of someone whom you have greatly respected.

Charitable Bequest: This is a provision in a will, trust, or estate plan that allocates a gift to a designated charity upon the death of the donor. There are several types of charitable bequests. The most common bequests to nonprofit beneficiaries are cash, securities, and real property including homes. Bequests of life insurance policies, retirement accounts, and bank accounts may also be made.

Please consult your attorney or financial advisor as you seek the best way to make a charitable bequest to Asian Health Services.

By pledging a planned gift, you will be a lifelong member of the Asian Health Services Legacy Circle.

download the Legacy Circle Pledge Form

Join The Legacy Circle

Become a lifelong member of the Asian Health Services Legacy Circle.

Thank you for considering Asian Health Services in your planned giving.

To join the Legacy Circle and learn more contact
